
Twirl Books

Touch! My Big Touch-And-Feel Word Book

Touch!We have lots of word books but this big chunky board version is definitely Ivy’s favourite. It features 150 words across a wide variety of topics, including clothes, food, vehicles, animals, mealtime and bedtime.

Each durable page features at least one textured image for your child to play with – a cosy blanket, a rough sponge, a corduroy jacket, some denim jeans – which make the book a great interactive experience as well as a learning tool.

The animal section is definitely the highlight, with really cute illustrations and lots of fur to stroke and scales to explore.

My only criticism (as someone in the UK) is that there is a handful of Americanisms in here (zucchini, eggplant etc) but it’s such a small percentage that I don’t feel it affects the book as a whole.

Buy it now: https://amzn.to/2jyVuZK