Loretta's Gift by Pat Zietlow Miller & Alea Marley - Ivy's Library

Loretta’s Gift
by Pat Zietlow Miller & Alea Marley

When Loretta discovers that her Aunt Esme and Uncle Jax are expecting a baby her whole world changes. Her family explain to her that babies are a celebration of love, life and hope and soon the whole household buzzes with activity as they prepare for the new arrival. Nappies are purchased, a cradle is built, a nursery is prepared and little woolly hats are knitted. There is even a baby shower with a  huge stack of gifts!

Loretta is a kind and thoughtful girl so naturally she wants to give the baby a gift too – but she just can’t think of anything appropriate. She doesn’t have enough pennies in her money box to buy anything and when she tries to make something she ends up just making a mess. What can she possibly give to someone as precious as a new baby?

Soon the baby arrives and Loretta is consumed with love for her new cousin Gabe. She tickles him, feeds him and rocks him to sleep. She helps keep him clean and she holds him when he cries. Their relationship is beautiful – but by the time Gabe’s first birthday comes around she still hasn’t found the perfect gift.

The family hold a birthday party and amidst the celebrations Gabe takes his first steps. Everyone cheers but when he stumbles and falls it is Loretta who runs to console him.

Is it possible that Loretta’s love is the best gift that Gabe has ever been given?

I love this book so much that I don’t think I can do it justice with words. It’s beautifully written, the core message is truly wonderful and the illustrations are just pure joy. It’s perfection in book form!

Featuring a mixed race family and an extended home environment, the story oozes love and warmth. It’s a perfect bedtime read and it would make a fabulous gift for a child who is expecting a new sibling or close cousin.

Buy it now: https://amzn.to/2GZhEmF

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