Little People Big Dreams: Frida Kahlo By Isabel Sánchez Vegara & Gee Fan Eng

Frida KahloWe have a number of books from this fantastic Little People Big Dreams series. I bought them with the intention of putting them away until Ivy was a little bit older but she’s really drawn to the pictures and often asks for them to be read to her.

I recently visited the Frida Kahlo exhibition at the V&A museum as I am hugely fascinated by her story and her art. In the gift shop I bought Ivy a flowered headband in a similar style to the one you can see on the front cover. She loved it and squealed with delight when I showed her that she looked like the lady on the book. As a result we’ve read this one lots of times over the last few weeks!

This beautifully illustrated title gives a brief overview of Frida Kahlo’s short and troubled life but deals with it in an age-appropriate way. We see that she suffers a childhood illness which affects her leg and is later involved in an accident which means she must spend much of her time in bed.

Frustrated by the cards she has been dealt, she focuses all of her energy on learning to paint. She creates startling self portraits which reflect the pain she is feeling inside and after her death becomes an internationally celebrated artist and icon.

An inspiring story which teaches children that sometimes what seems like the biggest hurdle can actually be the start of a brand new journey.

Buy it now:

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