

Sunflower Shoots And Muddy Boots: A Child’s Guide To Gardening by Katherine Halligan & Grace Easton

Sunflower Shoots and Muddy BootsSpring is just around the corner and this lovely book from Nosy Crow and the National Trust is packed full of interesting little activities you can do with the kids to encourage a love of the great outdoors.

From building dens and spotting bugs to growing radishes and making compost, the simple instructions help you make the most of the garden. And if you don’t have any outside space, there are just as many projects to do indoors, like growing beans in a glass jar, making a tiny magic garden and creating a little window box.

Alongside the myriad activities there are garden-related words to learn, flowers, trees and vegetables to identify, and a handy section on how to stay safe whilst digging and planting.

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Norton And Alpha By Kristyna Litten

Norton And AlphaNorton is a little robot who collects things from the industrial landscape in which he lives. He picks up cogs, wheels and springs and takes them home to use in his inventions.

He makes all sorts of useful gadgets and even manages to build himself a companion – a little robot dog he calls Alpha.

But then one day they find a flower growing all by itself and they are completed baffled. What does it do and why is it there? Norton and Alpha make it their mission to find out.

This is a beautifully illustrated book with a lovely message about finding joy in small things.

Buy it now: http://amzn.to/2mkFVpf