While We Can’t Hug
by Eoin McLoughlin & Polly Dunbar

Well here we are again! It’s lockdown 3.0 and I am really feeling it this time around. Ivy hasn’t seen her grandparents since August so she’s really missing them, plus the dreary weather and general sense of uncertainty is adding an extra layer of gloom.

If your little ones are feeling the same then you might want to take a peek at this heartwarming story which talks about how it feels to be separated from your nearest and dearest.

Hedgehog and Tortoise are the best of friends. They love to spend time together but they’re sad because they’re not allowed to go near each other right now. How can they show each other they care if they can’t hug?

Fortunately Owl is on hand with some beautiful suggestions…

In every spread, Hedgehog stands on the left hand page whilst Tortoise stands on the right and together they try out some socially distanced activities. They send letters, they blow kisses and they make funny faces. They wave, they dance and paint matching pictures.

Soon the two friends realise that come rain or shine, the love they share will endure.

Ivy and I adore this one and we read it a lot in the days before Christmas when it became apparent we would have to change our plans.

The story is filled with hope and warmth and offers children lots of ideas to help maintain their friendships and familial bonds during this difficult time.

The illustrations are simple but they convey a huge amount of emotion. I love the animals’ facial expressions because we can clearly see how their moods lift when they realise they can still be friends whilst they’re far apart. It’s beautiful and I highly recommend it!

( You may also recognise the characters, because this is a spin off from a fabulous book called The Hug by the same author and illustrator. )

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