
Jim Field

Oi Frog! By Kes Gray & Jim Field

Oi Frog!This series of books by Kes Gray & Jim Field definitely wins the award for most random but we love them!

The book centres around a set of ‘rules’ which determine what different animals are allowed to sit on. The two main characters are a cat and a frog and the former is explaining the rules to the latter. The cat tells frog that he has to sit on a log – but he doesn’t want to! Logs aren’t comfortable and they give you splinters in your bottom -but unfortunately those are the rules!

The cat then explains all the other seat-based rules and they get more and more crazy. We see moles sitting on poles, lizards sitting on wizards, gophers sitting on sofas, gibbons sitting on ribbons and even fleas sitting on peas (Ivy’s favourite!).

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Ivy’s Guest Book: Clare White, Owner, Calladoodles

CalladoodlesHi Clare! Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family

My name is Clare, I own an independent card and gift shop on Carshalton High Street called Calladoodles. When I set up the shop over eight years ago I wanted to bring a bit of the colour and the feel of Brighton to Carshalton. Although we have had to change and adapt over the years it’s stayed true to that dream in a lot of ways, but the children’s books and gifts have become more of a focus with the arrival of my children. I live in Carshalton, Surrey with my two children Chloe (5) and Zak (2). 

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Quick Quack Quentin By Kes Gray & Jim Field

Quick Quack QuentinQuick Quack Quentin by Kes Gray and Jim Field always gives us the giggles!

Quentin is a duck with a very unusual problem. His quack has lost an A so he can only say quck. He goes to the doctor for help but the he can only offer him a D, O, C, T, O or R and those letters don’t help him at all.

Bemused, Quentin heads to a nearby farm to see he can borrow their A – but they’re not interested in becoming a frm and the farmer doesn’t want to be a frmer. He speaks to a dog, a hen, a pig and a bull who let him try out their vowels but a quock, a queck, a quick and a quuck just don’t sound right. What is poor Quentin going to do?

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Ivy’s Guest Book: Ceci De Benedictis, Director, Toy Box Tots

Toy Box TotsTell us a little bit about yourself and your family

My name is Ceci, short for Cecilia and I am half of Toy Box Tots, renting out boxes of super fun toys to preschoolers across the UK. I have boy girl twins who will turn 3 in the summer and a wild and crazy kitten called Harry. We live in East Dulwich with my husband Marco, having relocated from the UAE 18 months ago.

What are your children’s favourite books?

This changes on a monthly basis! At the moment it’s ‘Lottie Potter wants an Otter’ by Jeanne Willis and Leonie Lord . Every couple of weeks we go up to the local library and chose about 10 books to take home and there is always 1 that gets singled out and has to be read at least 10 times a day until we all know it from memory!  They always love books where someone or something is naughty or there is some drama or scandal that we can talk about.  It’s brilliant for me as I’m always looking for new books to base our toy boxes around so constantly having new books on the scene is great research.

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The Squirrels Who Squabbled By Rachel Bright & Jim Field

The Squirrels Who SquabbledWe are big fans of Rachel Bright and Jim Field so we have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of their new collaboration and we’re happy to say that it’s fab!

Cyril and Bruce are Squirrels who both have their eye on the last pine cone of the season – but for very different reasons. Cyril has partied his way through the year and hasn’t collected any food for the winter. Bruce, on the other hand, has amassed large stocks of food but is worried it won’t be enough.

An epic squabble ensues which puts both of their lives in danger. Can these two squirrels put their differences and work together to survive?

This is a gorgeous tale about friendship and sharing, with a big splash of adventure thrown in for good measure.

Buy it now: http://amzn.to/2otV4Xt

The Koala Who Could By Rachel Bright & Jim Field

The Koala Who CouldKevin the koala lives in a tree surrounded by a beautiful landscape and scores of fun-loving animals. However instead of exploring with his friends he stays up in his tree because he is scared of change. Up there he is safe and nothing bad can happen to him. Why would he risk doing something which might scare him?

Then one day a woodpecker arrives and changes Kevin’s world forever. What will happen when he is forced out of his comfort zone?

I love this book because we’ve all been Kevin – and I think it’s so important for kids to see that stretching yourself and facing your fears can truly enrich your life and bring you closer to your dreams.

Buy it now: http://amzn.to/2BuEJt5

The Lion Inside By Rachel Bright & Jim Field

The Lion InsideAs a shy person with more than a pinch of anxiety, this is the book I wish I had read as a child and I hope it inspires Ivy in the future.

The story is about a tiny little mouse who is often overlooked because of his quiet little voice. He looks up to the mighty lion who lives nearby and wishes he could be big and brave like him.

One day he realises that in order to be who he wants to be he needs to find his courage, so he sets off to find the lion so he can ask him to teach him to roar.

But the meeting doesn’t quite go to plan. Could it be possible that the mighty lion is scared of mice?

We adore this one, and I’m not ashamed to say that the first time I read it to Ivy I cried at the end. Beautiful!

Buy it now: http://amzn.to/2zwAZUk