Ten Little Robots by Mike Brownlow & Simon Rickerty

Ten Little RobotsIvy and I both love the ‘Ten Little…’ books by Mike Brownlow and Simon Rickerty so we were super excited to discover this brand new addition. I believe there are now 7 titles in the series and this one is definitely in our top 3 (our absolute favourites are Ten Little Dinosaurs and Ten Little Superheroes!).

The story starts with ten shiny new robots who have just been switched on at the robot factory. They are very excited by their surroundings so they decide to explore –  with catastrophic results! We slowly count the robots down from ten to one as they encounter lasers, crushers, cogs, drones and explosions.

Can the last remaining robot restore order to the factory and bring all of his robot friends safely back together? Of course he can!

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The Only Way Is Badger
by Stella J Jones & Carmen Saldaña

The Only Way Is BadgerThis beautifully illustrated book about a group of woodland animals is extremely topical and we love it!

Badger is very proud of being a badger and he thinks that badgers are best. So much so that he thinks that everyone should be a badger! To try and make this a reality he builds a wall around the forest and puts posters up on all the trees encouraging the other animals to ‘be more badger’.

He’s a very confident public speaker so when he tells everyone that badgers are best the animals begin to wonder if he could be right and they question their own identities.

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Ivy’s Guest Book: Laura Wheeler, Owner, The Whistlebrook Clothing Company

The Whistlebrook Clothing CompanyHi Laura! Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family

I’m Laura, I live in Buckinghamshire with my husband Simon and two children. Posey (nearly 5) and Gilbert (just 3) and two rather grumpy old cats Burliose and Toulose.  I own a small business making children’s clothing – The Whistlebrook Clothing Company

What are your children’s favourite books?

Posey is reading the ‘You Choose’ books a lot at the moment, especially at bedtime. She loves picking out characters and using her imagination. We just got the ‘You Choose in Space’ book and we love it, the illustrations are so detailed.

Bertie is little and is a bit late to the party with his speech, so we are still working through the ‘That’s not my’ books. He is also obsessed with a Thomas the Tank Engine counting book which is always the last one before the lights go out!

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Lauren Koala By Glenn Lawrence & Annie Barber

Lauren KoalaIn the last few months we’ve read some fantastic self-published books and ‘Lauren Koala’ (which was recommended to us by one of our Facebook followers) is one of our faves.

The story is about a little koala called Lauren who loves to make people feel better by giving them a hug. All of the animals in the jungle know that if they feel sad Lauren will be there to comfort them. As a result, it’s a happy, joyful place filled with love.

One day, Lauren Koala hears about a rhino who is very sad because his mummy died when he was little. Determined to help, she sets off on a long journey to find him, cuddling lots of other animals along the way. 

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The Book With No Pictures

The Book With No PicturesThis book was recommended to me multiple times before I bought it and I have to admit I was sceptical. I genuinely didn’t think that Ivy would be able to sit through (let alone enjoy) a book without any pictures. I was very, very wrong!

I don’t want to give too much away as I think that would spoil it a little, but the basic premise is that the person reading the book has to read every single word out loud, whether they want to or not. So be prepared to say some very silly things and to put your voice acting abilities to good use!

Ivy loves this book and we both giggle from start to finish. It’s one of those books that she can’t get enough of so as soon as we get to the last page she directs me straight back to the beginning so we can start again and the voices and sounds get more and more ridiculous each time!

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Mrs Mole, I’m Home! By Jarvis

Mrs Mole, I'm Home!Morris the Mole has had a tough day at work and all he wants to do is get home to his family – the problem is he can’t find his glasses anywhere! He burrows in what he believes to be the direction of home but he keeps getting it wrong, again and again and again.

Each time he pops up into a house he shouts ‘Mrs. Mole, I’m Home!’ but it’s never the right house. He visits a burrow full of rabbits, a tree full of owls and a swamp full of crocodiles. He even ends up in Antarctica!

Finally he smells a familiar smell – worm noodles! Surely this must be his house, and where on earth are those glasses?

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The Giggly Guide of How to Behave By Philippe Jalbert

The Giggle Guide of How To BehaveAs we move through the Terrible Twos and get ever closer to Ivy becoming a Threenager I am definitely finding myself drawn to books which encourage good behaviour. This bright and colourful book is the best one I have come across so far.

The simple format makes this a really easy book to read with kids and you can either work from start to finish or just dip in and out. Each double page spread presents you with a ‘rule’ for good behaviour and an accompanying picture. The illustrations are ace – they make Ivy laugh and they hammer home the points made using a variety of cute and quirky characters. The tortoise is our personal favourite!

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Ivy’s Guest Book: Stacey Grant-Canham, Founder, Black & Beech

Black & BeechHi Stacey! Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do

My name is Stacey Grant-Canham and I am the founder of Black & Beech, a design-led brand that focuses on feminism and motherhood, with products ranging from slogan jewellery to fine art prints and ethically sourced sweaters and tees.

What is your child’s favourite book?

I think a firm favourite at the minute is Odd Dog Out by Rob Biddulph. It tells the tale of a dog who feels she doesn’t fit in so travels to the bright lights of another city to discover that being different is OK.

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The Queen Engineer By Suzanne Hemming & Jacquie Hughes

The Queen EngineerIf you’re a fan of books with strong female characters then this new one from Suzanne Hemming (author of ‘She’s Not Good For A Girl, She’s Just Good‘) is definitely for you.

The story is about a young princess called Florence who has her heart set on becoming a great engineer. She has the brain and the ambition but she has one problem – her father, the King, says that instead of pursuing her dream career she has to marry a Prince and have babies.

Young Flo is devastated. She has no problem with Princes and babies but she also wants to be a great engineer and the King says she can’t do both. She flees the palace and bumps in to her old babysitter, who sits and listens to her woes. The lady tells her that you always have to be who you are, not who other people think you should be. She shows Flo a picture of her wedding day (where she married a Princess) and says that when you follow your heart, some people will accept who you are and some won’t but what matters most is that you are always true to yourself.

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Princess Polly: I’m Starting Nursery By Amanda Li & Melanie Williamson

Priness Polly: I'm Starting NurseryIvy loves Princess Polly so we have most of this series either on our shelf or stashed ready for her to read when the time is appropriate. This title is about starting nursery (which she will be doing early next year) so we’ve recently introduced it to our rotation.

The book starts with an apprehensive Princess Polly. She’s not sure about starting nursery because she doesn’t know what it will be like and she’s worried she’ll miss her parents. She visits with her Mummy and sees lots of children having fun which sets her mind at ease.

After some settling in sessions she has her first full day and the book shows all the things your child can expect to experience at nursery – from the activities they’ll do,  like painting, playing and singing to the format of the day, like snacks, naps and story time.

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